My Lore
Like all other humans, I hatched out of my egg one leg at a time. Eager to embark on this newfound world of mine, I started asking questions…
“Why is it called a near miss if you didn’t touch it? Wouldn’t a near miss be considered a hit?”
“Who set the first clock?”
“Why is, “Do you want fries with that sir?”, not considered a rhetorical question?”
To my surprise, all of these questions had the same exact answer!
“Don’t you have something better to do?”
Fortunately (Or unfortunately depending on who you ask), I don’t!
Asking questions, poking and prodding conventionalism, and shaking up the status quo are all things I love to engage in on the regular
“That’s too weird” is not a sentence in my vernacular. In fact, I believe that is what keeps us moving forward as a society.
At the end of the day, people want to be able to express themselves in a way that is uniquely them, and I like to speak for those people